AAA_RM Vector Logo_no Tagline_Reduced

60 Smith Street
Qld 4163
07 3286 3494


At the Redland Museum, we aim to ensure that every visitor has a memorable experience and can access our wonderful displays, events, presentations, programs and more. 


We are committed to providing suitable access for our visitors, whatever their individual needs may be. In this guide, we have outlined our facilities and services to give our visitor’s information to enjoy the best possible experience.


We cater for the following disability types:

  • Limited mobility
  • Wheelchairs or mobility scooters
  • Food allergies or intolerances
  • Cognitive or people on the Autism Spectrum

We offer the following methods for bookings and enquiries:


  • Both road-side and off-street parking are availiable.

  • A road-side drop off zone is located at the front entrance.

  • Two designated disabled parking bays are located in the off-street parking area.
  • There is level or ramped access from all car parking to the entrance.
  • The accessible entrance is clearly signed from the parking bay.
  • Parking bays are located outdoors with a bitumen surface and have no height limits.
  • The car park is well lit and has security camera monitoring.
Accessible ramps at front entrance
Offstreet Disabled Parking
  • General admission is free for disability carers and companions with a Companion Card.
  • Events often involve food service so please contact the Museum about arrangements for disability carers and companions.
  • Routes within the Museum are clear and unobstructed, with a minimum width of 900mm.
  • Seating is available for guests in several locations in the Museum.
  • Accessible facilities are clearly signed. 
  • There is a quiet space for parents and children on the Autism Spectrum.
Pathways Within the Museum
Visitor Seating
  • There is an accessible toilet (to Australian Standards) with a door 900mm wide.
  • The is an ambulant toilet (to Australian Standards) with a door 800mm wide.
  • The aisle into the toilet area has a width of 1000mm.
  • A baby change table is available in the accessible toilet.
Entry to Accessible Toilets
Accessible Toilet
Ambulant Toilet
  • Reception is located at the main entrance.
  • First Aiders are on duty Monday-Friday.
  • First Aid kits are located throughout the Museum.
  • A Defibrillator is available at Reception.
  • Reception staff are the first point of call for any questions or queries in regards to accessibility and/or special requirements that guests may have.
  • Complimentary wheelchairs for use in the Museum are available from Reception.
  • Guide, Hearing and Assistance Dogs are welcome within the Museum.
  • A water bowl is available for these animals. Ask at Reception.
  • The parkland adjacent to the Museum can be used for facilities for the animals.
  • The Redland Museum staff and volunteers are focussed on ensuring all visitors receive the most memorable experience possible.
  • Our friendly volunteers are easily recognisable in Museum shirts. The staff and volunteers are a source of information on all items and aspects of the Museum.
  • Guiding / group tours can be arranged and prebooked through reception.
  • In an emergency both audible and visual alarms will alert occupants to evacuate.
  • Audible alarms also provide voice instructions on how to evacuate.
  • Exit signs are clear and easy to see. Emergency exit diagrams are posted throughout the Museum.
  • Exit access is free and clear at all times.
  • The evacuation assembly point is clearly marked with a sign.
  • Guests needing additional assistance for emergency evacuation should advise reception on arrival.
  • In an emergency our Fire Marshals is assigned to check the building for anyone requiring assistance.
  • Fire Marshalls have two-way radios to call for assistance as required.